位置:资讯> 如何用英语询问别人的兴趣爱好呢?
询问某人有何爱好或对某事是否感兴趣,What are your interests? 你有什么爱好?是日常英语口语中经常使用的。这样的句子对于初学者来说并不难.在表达上也不会有多大困难。在这里提出的目的是让你多了解表达方式的多样性及英美人的习惯用语。下面就和广州韦博国际英语小编一起来看看详细的内容吧。
Are you interested in detective stories? 你对侦探故事感兴趣吗?
Are you interested in playing州f at all? 你到底对打高尔夫球感不感兴趣?
Do you find the man interesting? 你觉得此人有趣吗?
Does bull fight interest you? 斗牛使你感兴趣吗?
Is music your chief interest? 音乐是你的主要爱好吗?
What are you interested in? 你对什么感兴趣?
Are you a film fan? 你是个电影迷?
Are you a party goer? 你是个聚会迷吗?
Are you keen on photographing at all? 你到底爱不爱好摄影?
Do you go for cooking? 你喜欢不喜欢烹调?
Do you have any interest in shipping? 你对航海有兴趣吗?
Do you share my interest in international trade? 你同我一样对国际贸易感兴趣吗?
Does boxing appeal to you at all? 拳击究竟对你有没有吸引力?
Does rock 'n roll grab you? 摇滚乐对你有吸引力吗?